Perhaps it's just that I've never
noticed before, but seems that comic books and graphic novels have
made their way into pop culture, reaching out from their comfortable
subculture following and into the mainstream. This is due in part, I
think, to the slew of comic-based movies and TV shows that have been
released in the past few years. Many of them, of course, are based
off of classic stories and heroes who were widely known to begin
with, like Batman, the Avengers, and Iron Man. But even lesser known
graphic novels and comic book series, like “The Walking Dead” or
“Scott Pilgrim vs. the World”, have become extremely accessible
to a widespread audience. Though I can't seem to get into the
superhero-style comics, I recently joined the comic-reading masses
after having read Neil Gaiman's “The Sandman” and John Layman's
“Chew” and decided to explore comic books and their heroes in
this blog. Being new to comic culture, I had never realized the
extent and importance of disability in terms of plot and character
Protagonists with disabilities are
beginning to show up more frequently in movies and television, but
they seem to have been thriving in the comic book genre since the
early 1960s. Quite a few comic book characters—big characters, not
obscure ones—have faced disability in a variety of forms. For
example, both Oracle (previously known as Bat-Girl) and Professor X
are heroes with paralysis. Doctor Mid-Nite has been around since the
1940s, and he was the first blind hero, predating Daredevil by more
than 20 years. Even so, I still love the idea of the relationship
between Daredevil and Echo, a Native American heroine who was
originally thought to be mentally disabled but turned out to actually
be deaf. I am partial to Echo's story because she had always been
deaf, whereas many other characters acquired their disabilities later
in life, often after they had already become heroes in some aspect or
![]() |
My girl, Echo! |
In 2011, a new comic was released with
the hope of not only bringing attention to disability rights and
freedoms, but also to ease the tensions between the West and the
Muslim world. “The Silver Scorpion” was created by a group of
young disability advocates from the US and Syria, all of whom have
disabilities of their own. They were asked to create a superhero who
depicted everything they wanted to see in a comic book. It was a
pretty awesome endeavor, and an important one in terms of both
diplomacy and disability activism.
But one might ask why it is important
to have superheroes with disabilities. After all, superheroes
are...super. They aren't
representations of real humans. Den of Geek!, a website for all
things geek culture, answers that question fantastically:
“[M]edia affects how we feel about ourselves and people who are different from us. Hawkeye is a perfect example of a superhero with a Disability and why it matters. In 2012, a 4 year old boy began to refuse to wear his hearing aid. He argued with his mother that superheroes don’t wear hearing aids. Well, his mother wrote to Marvel, desperate about what to do. Marvel was wonderful and did the right thing by creating a superhero named Blue Ear who uses a hearing aid. Just like this 4 year old boy. But even better, Marvel pointed out that Hawkeye is Deaf and uses a hearing aid. We hope that this little boy became a Hawkeye fan that day. Though we were disappointed that this was glossed over in The Avengers (2012) it still shows that superheroes matter to all of us. Hawkeye is very capable marksman, fighter and archer. And perhaps for a little Deaf boy, Hawkeye is someone to look up to.”
Well said! So, thank you, comic books,
for showing the world the badassery of the disabled community and for
giving people of all abilities heroes worth celebrating.
Do you have any favorite comic book heroes? Tell me about them and why they're your favorites!